Friday, May 20, 2011

Weekend reflections.

Weekend reflections is hosted by James.  I made this photo a few weeks ago when touring through the country. PLease click on photo to enlarge.
For more reflection photo's go
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TexWisGirl said...

so peaceful and beautiful!

Malyss said...

A perfect sum up of spring: flowers, a lamb, green grass, sun.. I love this shot!

Riet said...

Prachtige foto Riet.

Liefs Riet.

Reader Wil said...

Mooi hè, die polders! Ik kan er niet genoeg van krijgen en heb ook iedere keer zin om er foto's van te maken. Bedankt voor je bezoek! En een heel fijn weekend!

Sylvia K said...

Such lovely reflections, Riet! I do love those watery ones and it looks so spring-like and beautiful!! Hope you have a lovely weekend!


June said...

What a stunning photo Riet! An amazing country you live in. I am always delighted to see your countryside and open spaces there. It is so green there now and such blue skies. We have had many grey skies here so far, but soon we should be seeing perfect days.
Always such a treat to come here and see your photos dear friend.
sending hugs from here...

Carletta said...

A nice reflection; but what a beautiful scene!
Lovely to sit and look at and imagine myself in the picture. :)

La Maison said...

Een prachtige landelijke foto Riet. Ik zou zo op dat hek willen gaan zitten. Mooi geschoten hoor.

lieve groet

Anonymous said...

Het is sowieso al een mooi landschap, maar met de gele lis in bloei is het helemaal af.

Josephine said...

Wat een heerlijke puur Hollandse foto Riet.En grappig eigenlijk om deze dan vanuit Spanje op je blog te zetten. Of zijn jullie inmiddels al weer thuis???

Wij krijgen ook prachtig weer, Jippie!!!

Liefs Josephine

Rune Eide said...

A reflection of The Netherlands - flat and peaceful and a windmill.

Al said...

Wow, Riet, this is so Dutch to me. It really brings back some strong feelings, and makes me wish to visit the country in which I lived for 10 years. Wonderful photo.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh what a lovely image.

Rick said...

Prachtige foto, Riet ! Beautiful irises growing by the water. I looked at many of your recent posts - so nice to see photos of the Netherlands again - gives me that nostalgic feeling and makes me want to go for another visit.

Fijn weekeind !

Ingrid said...

Lovely picture ! Looks so peaceful !

'Tsuki said...

Those iris are lovely, and they are lucky : they do have such a nice point of view on that mill... Great job, Riet !

Fluitenkruid said...

Heerlijk Hollands plaatje, toen wij van de week met het pontje gingen zagen we dit ook!

Cezar and Léia said...

Amazing postcard!This picture is wonderful!
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

Gunsside said...

A beautiful shot nice wiev and great colors
- and maybe its a pig hiding in the gras ?
Have a nice week ;))

klaproos said...

mooi die lissen in het water riet,

een heel fijn weekend wens ik jou

EG CameraGirl said...

Beautiful time of year! I love the yellow irises and their reflections.

Anonymous said...

So magical and peaceful... I love the windmill I can see in the background.