Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday, Monday.


The other day we drove around a bit and I took the  chance to make a few photo’s.  That funny sort of statue looked so cute ,I  had to take a photo. Also the lovely little house with all the green caught my eyes. The very old church was beautiful . An old man from the neighborhood was mowing the grass. Although it is still very cold for this time of year we get to see a lot of color around. Thank goodness for that.

Onlangs bijgewerkt93

More color I saw.

Onlangs bijgewerkt94

I am linking this post to Seasonal Sundays:

Blue Monday :

Mosaic Monday :

Mellow Yellow Monday:

Monday doorways:


Kom Achterom said...

ooh wat leuk het beeld in de tuin is super crea!
Prachtig huisje zou er best willen wonen!
fijne dag

Het lijstje van brocante said...

Wat een warm welkom....en ja dat beeld....wat prachtig en leuk bedacht.
Helemaal in mijn stijl Riet!!!!!
Fijne Zondag & lieve groetjes,

klaproos said...

ohhhh wat staat daar voor een creatief beeldje riet:-)

in een sprookjesachtige mooie tuin,

een heel fijne zondag gewenst

Dorothy said...

Very nice collage! Love the little ivy covered house! Interesting old church and pretty purple flowers.
Have a Happy Day!

Diane said...

Lovely photos and what an interesting drive you had! Thank you for sharing!

Sylvia said...

Beautiful collages! Spring is such an inspiring season, isn't it ! Thank you for your visit and nice words . Enjoy your Sunday!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Thanks for sharing the beauty you see.I love all the new flowers around,both in your world and in mine.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Just a gorgeous display of color and gardens... I know that the scents of flowers must envelope the whole garden!



Sarah said...

Beautiful, Riet. I always enjoy your lovely images.

Unknown said...

Riet you so inspire me. I am going out today for my Mosaic Monday shots.
I love the out of the way places.

Home and Lifestyle said...

Mijn oog valt ook op de stapel in de tuin...wat een leuk idee! Mooie collages Riet!

Lieve groet, Ingrid

Mo said...

i do love the teapot sculpture.

Juliëtte said...

Wat zijn het toch weer mooie foto's Riet!
Ik kan de seringen bijna ruiken!
Wat is het koud!
Waar is de warmte?
Gelukkig hebben we je zomerse

Veel liefs, Juliëtte

Marjonel M said...

Hallo Riet ik kwam viavia op je blog, heel mooi ik ga je volgen!

Fijne week, Marjonel

Riet said...

Wat een prachtige foto,s Riet.
Mooi dat beeld.
Hier was het vandaag zo heerlijk weer,de hele dag de zon.
Een mens knap er van op.

Liefs Riet.

Unknown said...

Dag Riet,
Wat een grappige foto's heb je gemaakt en eigenlijk allemaal al zo lekker groen. Mooi kunstwerk, erg origineel. Daar moet je toch maar op komen. Weet je dat ik door het slechte weer eigenlijk helemal niet zo goed in mijn eigen tuin kijk. Door jouw foto's dacht ik, zou mijn seringen eigenlijk ook in bloei staan. Zojuist even gekeken en jawel hoor! Ook mijn goude regen heeft een beginnetje gemaakt. Alles gaat gewoon door, maar als iedereen binnen zit heeft dit kleurrijke decor geen bekijks. Behlave jij, jij bent lekker op stap geweest! Zijn je controles goed verlopen? Lekker hè Riet, dat het nu letterlijk 'achter de rug'is.
Lieve groet, Marja

Sallie ( said...

Spring is beautiful in your neighborhood. Thanks for sharing it.

Josephine said...

Hoe orgineel is dit, enig gewoon dat beeld.
En de seringen, kan wel janken als ik ze zie. Zelf had ik ook zo'n prachtige sering, maar vorig jaar heb ik hem helemaal terug gesnoeid, hij werd zoooooo groot.
Enfin,het groen liep weer heerlijk uit, en verheugdde me al op volgend jaar [dit jaar dus] op weer nieuwe bloemen.

Ging mijn lief vorig najaar weer eens driftig met de snoeischaar rond, wat denk je........potverdikkie, knipt hij alle toppen eraf.

Nou je snapt het al natuurlijk, nu VEEL groen maar GEEN sering.

Gelukkig dat ik nu heerlijk bij jou kan genieten van deze fraaie foto's

Fijne week lieve Riet, en tot zaterdag hoop ik....


Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hello Riet,
I love these photos. That statue is rather odd, but interesting and colorful.

Thanks for putting a little more beauty in our lives through your art.


Carol @ Always Thyme to Cook said...

Looks like a lovely day for a drive. You got such gorgeous shots, Riet! I enjoyed your mosaics. Have a great week.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You saw some beautiful flowers...even pretty lavender colored flowers! enjoy your week!

Snap said...

What a fun sculpture! Love the little house and the beautiful church. Lovely flowers, too!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Beautiful pictures Riet...the lilacs really sing to me though. I love their fragrance!

SwedishCorner ~ DownUnder...Pernilla said...

Happy Blue Monday :)
Greetings from Australia♥

Kim, USA said...

Wow the Lilacs starts to bloom now. Your collage is beautiful!


ellen b said...

Beautiful mosaics Riet! Love that interesting statue. :0)
Have a wonderful week.

Vee said...

Gosh the whole world seems to be in the same weather pattern. It's certainly been a cool spring here. I'm surprised to see the same flowers blooming in your corner as are blooming in mine. Lovely, graceful mosaics. Thank you for tucking in that whimsical sculpture. I like it a lot.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I like that whimsical looking sculpture very much, Riet! It looks very green there and i see your lilacs are also blooming. Have a wonderful week!

Lorrie said...

Such charming cottages - and beautiful flowers. Spring is everywhere in the northern hemisphere, it seems.

Pondside said...

I like that odd piece of art - very quirky!

Ingmarie We said...

Lovely mosaics. It is great to see the lilacs are in bloom in your place. Have a fine week.

A Garden of Threads said...

Awesome piece of artwork.

Liz said...

Beautiful photos! Have a fabulous week.

Liz @ MLC
Liz @ YACB

SmilingSally said...

Yes, I did open Blue Monday quite early this week as I was away from my computer and did not trust Blogger to work smoothly.

What a creative person to assemble that eye-catching statue. Thanks for sharing your blues.

Happy Blue Monday, Riet.

LadyFi said...

Such charming shots!

Teresa said...

I love the quaint cottage. Beautiful color you've found.

Tina´s PicStory said...

love this little cottage :)

HansHB said...

Great post, - lovely photos!

biebkriebels said...

Het beeld is inderdaad wel heel apart al die potten op elkaar. Verder ook allemaal mooie foto's.
Groeten, Marianne

Annesphamily said...

Riet your images are gorgeous. I love that house covered in green! The statue is delightful! Thank you for sharing.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Love these Riet, and oh such a sweet ivy covered cottage. My neighbor's momma made a similar garden statue for her, on a smaller scale, very cute idea. hHappy week~

Virginia said...

All of the photos you have shared with us today are lovely Riet. I do love the little cottages and the quirky sculpture! :)

Rhoda said...

Beautiful pictures, as always. I had to tell you that we have had an abnormally warm winter and spring here, so the tulips were very early. Every year Holland, Mi. has a tulip festival. Most of the tulips were already done, so they decided to "celebrate the stem"! I thought it was pretty unique.

June said...

I love to do that too Riet. Sometimes I just drive around town and snap away. I always feel a little silly when I get caught doing it. but I get some great shots.
I love the collage of your outing!
sending love...

Wateringen said...

Goedemorgen lieve Riet,

Wat een prachtige post heb je weer gemaakt meis.
Dat beeld zo gaaf en die seringen zo mooi!

Lieve Riet wat leuk dat je zaterdag ook op mijn
boekenbal komt..wat ontzettend leuk jou te mogen


Lynn Holland said...

You are obviously not in Lancashire in the UK with that lovely weather.
Lynn - One I Made Earlier Today
no. 62

Helma said...

Hello Reed,

beautiful photo collages are there in your blog. I think that statue is really special to see.

Warmest regards, Helma

Splendid Little Stars said...

lovely visions! Spring is a bit farther along were I live. The colors of early Spring are so refreshing and reassuring.

Ingrid said...

I visited Keukenhof yesterday with my son and grandson ! wow, although the tulip fields were finished, it's a wonderful place !