Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Wordless Wednesday.

This photo says Holland, the bike , the tulips , the canal.

I made it last year in the city of Gouda.


I am linking this post to Wordless Wednesday  :  http://www.wordlesswednesday.com/newhome/
Watery Wednesday :  http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/
Outdoor Wednesday:  http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/
A thank you to all the hosts.
Happy Wednesday.


Home and Lifestyle said...

Die tulpen staan daar wel heel bijzonder, zo mooi naast een Hollandse fiets :)!

Ik wens je een fijne avond Riet! Lieve groetjes, Ingrid

Het lijstje van brocante said...

Als dit geen HOLLAND is dan weet ik het niet meer Riet.....deze komt in aanmerking voor de WORLD PRESS PHOTO!!!!!!!!
Nog een fijne avond Riet & lieve groetjes,

Anonymous said...

Hollandser kan het haast niet!


Juliƫtte said...

Dit is zoooo... Hollands! Geweldig die drie tulpjes!
Leuke foto, Riet!

Liefs Juliƫtte

klaproos said...

wat een prachtige kopfoto heb je gemaakt riet,

heerlijk op de fiets lang s de grachten, zalig, nemen we nog een ijsje:-)

Anonymous said...

Mooi beeld van de gracht, Riet. Wat een geluk dat die fiets daar (nog) stond, best kans dat hij een paar minuten later in de gracht is verdwenen ...

biebkriebels said...

Leuke foto! Hoe komen die tulpen daar nou? Heel Hollands.

French Girl in Seattle said...

Yes it does! It's Holland as I remember it. Beautiful. Have a wonderful week, Riet. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos! Wish I could visit some day. Joann

Sallie (FullTime-Life.com said...

It does say "Holland" and it does say "beautiful"! Thanks for sharing.

Josephine said...

Ohhh wat heerlijk Nederlands weer lieve Riet, en zo guitig die twee eigenwijze rode tulpjes, die spreken voor zich op deze "Woordloze Woensdag" hihi.

Liefs Josephine

The French Hutch said...

I remember these scenes Riet. While in Paris we took the train to Amsterdam. It was tulip season and we toured Keukenhof Gardens. It was breathtaking! I'll always remember the city and the canals. Great photograph.

The french Hutch

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Wonderful photo, Riet! Would love to visit someday. Enjoy your week and thanks for stopping by.


Leslie's Garden said...

What a beautiful sight! I would love to be strolling there, arm in arm with my Special Someone! Thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you liked my garden!

Kim, USA said...

Very lovely!!

Outdoor Wednesday

caite said...

love the canal..reminds me of Venice.

Anna said...

Een hele mooie compositie, Riet!
Prachtig hoe die tulp daar staat naast de fiets.
Fijne dag en lieve groetjes van Anna

Thuis bij Tjits said...

wat een heerlijk Hollands plaatje!!

lieve groet van Tjits

Sandy said...

What a beautiful photo...
Holland is one place I've
never been...

Ingrid said...

Just one lonely tulip !

Beth F said...

I've been to Gouda! Thanks for letting me it see again. Lovely

Maggie said...

Great composition in this shot, the red tulips just pop!

Riet said...

Er staan hier weer prachtige foto,s Riet.
En ze geven morgen prachtig weer op,dus je kan er tegen aan.

Liefs Riet.

Linda said...

Those are the things I think of when I think of Holland!! Very Pretty!!

EG CameraGirl said...

Looks like a perfect day.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh if that beautiful picture depicts the uniqueness of Holland...I wannna go!!!

I do so need to get off the Ponderosa more. I'd love to walk that walk along the canal.

God bless ya and have yourself a sunshiny kinda day sweetie!!!

Anonymous said...

lovely photo!

La Maison said...

Je moet er maar ook voor hebben.

Lieve groet

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Wonderful pictures, makes me want to visit. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog and leaving a message. I am following and hope you can do the same.

jeanne said...

Hello Riet, Your photo doesn't need any words. I love it. The two lonely tulips are perfect in the photo.

We will stay in touch about December. It would be a special treat to meet you. I have admired your posts and getting to know you so much through blogging.

Hugs, Jeanne

Walk in New York said...

un bout de printemps dans ta photo, c'est tres agreable

Publicity ;o) Every Friday (and the Weekend), The Challenge "Walk In The Street Photography"

LindyLouMac said...

This is great, I used a tree as a part of my post today as well :)

LadyFi said...

I see tulips! Spring!

momto8 said...

a great picture.
happy WW!