Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Alphabe Thursday.

This week we study the letter V for Ms Matlocks class.
This weeks V is very special because I want to introduce you to a very special person, Gustav Vigeland.
There is a park in Oslo,Norway, that bares his name because it houses 212 sculptures of bronze and granite , all made by him. When we got there I could not believe  my eyes, it is absolutely stunning. It is an outside sculpture museum representing different stages in a human life. Unbelievably beautiful.
I didn’t get to see the whole park due to too little time and very sore feet Bedroefde emoticon( but I made as many photo’s as I could.
There are lots of photo’s and you tube films on the internet of the park and I picked one site that you REALLY should see. It has many photo’s of the Vigeland Park, Oslo.   Do go there! Also many other sites you can find on the net.

1-cruise drie9

Stunning right?

Down here I have some of my very favorites.

10-cruise drie10

On the bottom right photo you see a tower that is called the Monolith totem. It is 46,32 feet high and is composed of 121 human figures rising towards the sky.  It portrays a feeling of togetherness as the human figures embrace one another as they are carried towards salvation.
The photo’s are all mine, the words I found on the internet.










Now can you see that I was so stunned?
Gustav Vigeland died in 1943.

For more Alphabe Thursday go here :


Home and Lifestyle said...

Er was daar in het park veel te zien, je camera maakte er overuren ;)! Ik hoop Oslo ook eens te bezoeken (maar het wensenlijstje is al zo lang).

Een fijne avond!! Lieve groet, Ingrid

FilipBlog said...

Amnazing a park with so many statues, and it is the first time I see such a big collage.


Madelief said...

Een prachtige collectie beelden Riet! Ik hoop dat het inmiddels weer wat beter gaat met je voet.

Liefs van Madelief x

Zimbabwe said...

Wow, they are amazing, I would love to walk around here. Thanks so much for sharing this with us. Take care Diane

Josephine said...

Ongelooflijk mooi al deze beelden
van Gustav Vigeland, lieve Rietje.
De één nog mooier dan de ander.

Wat zal dat een overdonderend
aanzicht zijun geweeest zoveel
werken van één kunstenaar samen
te kunnen zien.

En als je dan op de laatste foto kijkt hoe klein de mensen zijn.
Ohhhhh wat een gigantisch GROOT
beeldhouwerk moet dat zijn zeg,
PRACHTIG en heel indrukwekkend!!!

Vee liefs,

House of Seasons said...

Hallo Riet,
hoe is het met jou en je man?
Hier alles stil en leeg!
Maar we hebben wel de goede beslissing genomen en dat geeft rust.
Ook al missen we onze lieve Dante!

Marjonel M said...

Wat bijzonder al die beelden, prachtig.

Groetjes, Marjonel

Anonymous said...

Bij het zien de collages was ik even bang dat we door het bos de beelden niet zouden kunnen zien, maar gelukkig liet je ze ook apart zien. Er staan echt heel mooie beelden tussen. Volgens mij heb ik een tijdje geleden ook al eens ergens foto's van dit beeldenpark gezien, maar dat verveelt gelukkig niet zo snel met zoveel moois. :-)

Anonymous said...

These are just amazing! I love that you share such interesting things that are so far removed from my world.

Betty said...

I just couldn't help wonder how long it took him to make them all. Amazing photos.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Wow..that's very amazing to see those statues, so carefree and free..

Ellie said...

My sister-in-law stays near Oslo and we visited her a few years ago. We went to this very park and were amazed at the sculptures. It is a beautiful place to visit indeed. :)

June said...

This is an incredible sight to behold dear Riet! How wonderful that you were able to witness this in person.
THANK YOU so much for sharing this with us all!
sending love...

Lynne said...

Amazing sculpture!

It never ceases to amaze me the phenomenal creativity there is in our world. Thank you for sharing, I hope one day to visit here and view in person . . .

Naperville Now said...

An amazing place. Such movement, such emotion. It must have been overwhelming to behold. Excellent V post.

Annesphamily said...

Wow! This was a stunning post. All these statues are remarkable and so unique. Thanks for sharing with us. Have a beautiful week.

anitamombanita said...

What a great collection of sculptures. Loved it!!

Juliëtte said...

Alhoewel ik drie uur van Oslo vandaan woon, heb ik dit nog niet gezien!
Wat en prachtige foto's heb je er van gemaakt!
Ik ben wel al een keer in de binnenstad van Oslo geweest.
Maar ik moet je eerlijk bekennen dat ik niet meer zo'n stadsmens ben.
Maar dit lijkt me het bezoeken wel een keer waard!

Dikke knuffel, Juliëtte

Elna said...

It's a great place, I've been there. Have a nice day.


Dorothy said...

Just a word...WOW!!!

Anonymous said...

What amazing sculptures!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

They are stunning Riet! You're so right!

Natalia Glazacheva said...

Thank you, Riet for showing to us such a great place! We have the same Park of Sculptures here in Moscow, but there are sculptures of different authors and lot of Soviet monuments that were removed in post-Soviet period. Hope someday I'll visit Norway too :o)
Happy autumn

Lola said...

What an amazing collection- superb photos!

Visiting from A-Thursday!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

It is stunning! What a legacy.

Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed it...

Susan Anderson said...

A wonderful montage.


greet's foto's said...

dit blijft je altijd bij he Riet,het zijn er ook zoveel en zo mooi.
wat geweldig dat je dit heb kunnen zien.
van deze beeldhouwer heb ik nog nooit gehoord.
alles goed met je
groetjes greet

debra said...

Yes I can see why you were stunned. This is absolutely amazing! I am glad this is what you chose for your V post! :)

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

wow, these are bare and rare, but lots of fun.

Jenny said...


Aren't these utterly amazing?

I like the movement the artist captured in them.

Love the letter "O" one the most!

Thanks for linking.
