Friday, March 19, 2010

Weekend reflections

A few days ago we went to visit a beautiful little old city in the south west of Holland called Zierikzee. I made lots of photo's and I want to show two of them here for Weekend reflections, as every week hosted by James from NewTown Area Photo.
PLease click on photo's to enlarge and see the beautiful old buildings and houses.

For more reflection photo's go here.
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Carolyn Ford said...

The beautiful canals of Holland! I love the line-up of boat nice.

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh My Gosh Riet Sweetie...
How beautiful is that canal? I love it. All the boats docked all in a row for each to see.

I love the church in the one picture that you have shared. The architecture is just beautiful. And all of the buildings. How old are these do you know? They are so detailed and the shapes so unusual for me.

In the background ofcourse, you know me, I love the windmill. I have always thought they were the most beautiful of all, and it would so fasciante me to watch one move in real life. I just love this countryside. So beautiful.

Country hugs sweetie and so much love...Sherry

klaproos said...

een heerlijk zonnig logje lekker om te zien

Malyss said...

Easy to guess where you posted from!!what a beautyful place!

Irene said...

Beautiful scenery! Love it! I hope to see more of Holland when my son goes to Eindhoven (if everything about the school works out well).

Groetjes Irene

Unknown said...

Dag Riet,
Wat heerlijk herkenbaar! Ik ben elke week wel twee keer in Zierikzee. Meestal op maandag en donderag (koopavond). Dan eten we altijd heel gezellig bij Concordia op het plein. Kopen we wat leuke tijdschriften bij de boekhandel, daar vlakbij en laten ons daar lekker verwennen. 's Zomers uiteraard lekker op het terras. Onze jaarlijkse redactievergadering houden we daar ook altijd en knopen daar dan ook een etentje aan vast.Dat doen we al jaren zo! Leuk plaatsje, hè?
Fijn weekend geniet er van!
Lieve groet, Marja

Julie said...

I have only been to The Netherlands twice in my life, but it is a glorious and quite unique country. Treasure it.

Johnny Nutcase said...

Great photos! Looks like a beautiful day in a beautiful town, nice job!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Oh how I would love to see that in person! That 2nd one with the large windmill at the end - draws me in...

James said...

I love these pictures. They are so charming. You are fortunate to live near such a wonderful place.

I left a link for you at your previous post.

Have a great weekend.

June said...

hello dear Riet, as always I do love to see the beauty that you show us. The structures in these photos up and down the waterway are beautiful. The boats too, are interesting. In your post before, with the beautiful landscape and windmill picture is one of my very favorites. I don't know why I love windmills so much, but I think it is because my grandmother collected pictures of them. She even had several plates with windmills.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love how these soft reflections create darker pools in the water! Beautiful scenes!

Unknown said...

Riet, it such a beautiful place. Really really lovely photos.

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos Riet. I like the flowing curves in the first especially.

Kat said...

Such beautiful scenes. Your country really is magnificent. I love the roofs of the two buildings (in the first photo) that look almost like pyramids, very neat! Kathy

Anonymous said...

The reflections are beautiful and the photos so clear! Very nice, Riet!

Fluitenkruid said...

Over een paar maanden zal het hier helemaal een geliefde plek zijn als mensen weer in hun bootjes op pad gaan. Fijn weekend Riet

Regina said...

Beautiful place and nice reflections!
Happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

I was only in Holland once - many years ago. It is as beautiful as I remember! The boats reflecting in the water are quite captivating.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful reflection my friend. I love those canals. Excellent. Have a wonderful weekend :)

Cezar and Léia said...

Wow great pictures with perfect and romantic reflections, a beautiful scenery indeed!
Have a nice weekend
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

sunnymama said...

Love the second picture especially. :)

Serendipity said...

It looks like a lovely place to visit - and some beautiful reflections!