Sunday, November 22, 2009

Today's flowers

This is the first time I participate in todays flowers. I love roses so I chose this pale pink rose with a touch of green at the edges for my first post.


For more beautiful flowerposts go here. There is a list of all the participants.
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Madelief said...

Hoi Riet,

Rozen zijn inderdaad prachtig! Het gekke is dat ze het bij ons in huis niet zo goed doen. Ook al snij ik ze heel schuin af, na twee dagen zakken de knoppen al naar beneden. Zo jammer!

Fijne zondag!

lieve groet, Madelief

Amy said...

Lovely rose. So soft looking and delicate. I love roses.

Simply The Best said...

lovely flower..I love roses!

Ruby said...

i am the guest friend for today feel free to visit my flowers...beautiful rose you got here!

Euroangel said...

thanks for the visit in one of my blogs...happy Sunday!


Welcome to Today's Flower! Very beautiful first entry, such a delicate and lovely rose! And a beautiful photo of it!

Hope you will continue to participate!

Irma said...

Prachtig Riet en ook zo mooi van dicht bij genomen, mooi kleur de roos, een hele fijne zondag lieve groet Irma

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Riet...
A Rose Is A Rose By Any Other Name. I see Romeo and Juliet when I look at this beautiful flower you have chosen to share today.

It smells so sweet and fragrant. The odor takes your breath away, it is so fragrant. I love the softness of the petals, and the colors are just exquisite.

Thank you for sharing as always. I love to come here. Stop by to say hi as I always love the company.

Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

Josephine said...

Het is weer een BEAUTY Riet, mooi met dat vleugje groen. Rozen in welke vorm dan ook blijven schoonheden.

groetjes Josephine

GoldenAngelsWorks said...

Beautiful Riet! I just love coming here and seeing all your wonderful photo's.

June said...

Hello dear Riet,
I really love seeing life through your lens. This photo of this gorgeous rose was such a gift to see this morning. Your skill with a camera is amazing.
Thank you for the lovely message this morning on my post.

XoXo said...

Mooie rozen en ik houdt van het kleur! Fijne avond! Welcome to TF.

Carol at Serendipity said...

What a lovely photograph. Today's flowers must be new?

I liked your Pink Saturday as well.

I am a little behind!


Christi @ A Southern Life said...

Beautiful. Love how the color transitions from one to the other!

Christi @ A Southern Life

Willy said...

Prachtige roze roos. Ik zag ook je mooi wolkenluchten en de straatjes van Delft, het ziet er daar ook gezellig uit.

Anonymous said...

It's a great first choice. Very pretty!

Ebie said...

Such a beautiful and delicate rose! Love its color, too!

Welcome to Today's Flowers!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Riet
This is a beautiful rose! I also loved your beautiful pink sky for Pink Saturday. I had lots of company at my house this weekend. so I'm late visiting blogs.

Have a good week!

eden said...

excellent shot of a delicate rose. i love roses.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pink rose!
Lovely picture too.
Thank you for your visit and comment.

Cher' Shots said...

Thank you for sharing your rose. It's beautiful. Welcome to Today's Flowers. I joined last week but I was so busy today that I posted late. Please check it out. I started raising roses this year. I hope mine turn out as beautiful as yours.

ellen said...

awesome!need I say more!

Thanks for the visit...hope to see you more often... God Bless!

ellen said...

What a great entry you have! Worth visiting here. Mine is up! Hope to hear from you soon. God Bless!

SquirrelQueen said...

The rose is exquisite Riet, it is so delicate looking. You captured it perfectly.

diane b said...

It is a lovely soft shot.

Tulip said...

lovely pink flowers. thanks for dropping by. (",)

sunnymama said...

Such gorgeous delicate colours and textures. Very lovely. :)