For more my world photo´s go here.
Outdoor Wednesday is hosted by Susan from “Ä Southern Daydreamer”
The weather forecast says snow for this week so here some of the last fall pictures. Winter is coming here.
For more beautiful outdoor pictures go here: http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/
Mosaic Monday is hosted by Mary from “The little red house”
My mosaic today is of a few fall photo’s. The statue is standing near a playground in the park.
For more beautiful mosaic photo’s go here: http://dearlittleredhouse.blogspot.com/
Weekend reflections is hosted by James from NewTown Area Photo.
Last week we saw this old pancake house in the park. Reflections were good so I had to make a photo.
For more reflection photo’s go here: http://newtowndailyphoto.blogspot.com/
Outdoor Wednesday is hosted by Susan from A Southern Daydreamer.
Another fall photo.
For more outdoorpictures go here: http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/
My mosaic is autumn today. Mosaic Monday is hosted by Mary from The little red door.http://dearlittleredhouse.blogspot.com/
Blue Monday is hosted by Sally from Smiling Sally. http://smilingsally.blogspot.com/
Last week there was this beautiful sunrise. Of course I had to make some photo's. Here is one of them. Wonderful for Skywatch Friday.
For more beautiful skies go here http://skyley.blogspot.com/
Outdoor Wednesday is hosted by Susan from A southern Daydreamer.
These photo's I made last week on a little walk through the park. Isn't fall beautiful?
For more outdoor pictures go here: http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/