Monday, December 28, 2009

My world Tuesday.

For my world Tuesday is have two more picures of the snow we had. All is gone now but there might be more coming in the weekend. For me it has been enough though.But it looks wonderful on a picture.


For more my world photo's go here.
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Sylvia K said...

What a lovely place and what beautiful captures, Riet! So peaceful looking! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

You are so right the snow covered landscape makes for good photos. We had snow one morning, but by the time I got up it was gone. No snow photos for me yet. I am just hoping.
Happy New Year.

maryt/theteach said...

Pristine snow photos, Riet! It was hard for me to capture such photos! Happy New Year! :)

Erin said...

this is a very lovely capture. i always like photographs of the snow but, don't like the snow in person. we've still over a foot on the ground ... my yard still covered and more in the forecast come weeks end.

Photo Cache said...

Simply delightful images. How pretty is your surroundings at this time of the year.

Happy new year.

Ruth said...

Love your shadow on the 2nd image!

Quilt Works said...

I liek the selfportrait - your shadow!

...see what is in front of my house!

Riet said...

Weer van die schitterende foto,s Riet,wat is de natuur toch schitterend.
Maar we willen het niet zien.

Liefs Riet.xx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos of snowy wonderland!
We have so far 2 inches already, and it's still coming!

Anonymous said...

This is incredibly beautiful, Riet. I love the snow.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hello Riet,
I like your shadow in the last photo. That's cool!
Every snow scene is oh so peaceful and lovely. I am thankful for your creative eye and that you share all the beauty with your blogger friends.

Anonymous said...

Very nice photo. I can't tell if it's a path or river? Happy New Year!

SquirrelQueen said...

What a beautiful scene, snow does create almost magical landscapes. Our snow is also gone but more may be coming later this week.

Jossie said...

Heerlijke foto's. Jammer dat de sneeuw zo snel verdwenen was. Maar er is inderdaad meer in aantocht.
Fijne jaarwisseling!

penny said...

Your snow scenes are delightful, Riet. I especially like the one with your shadow on the snow.
I wish you and your family a happy and healthy New Year.

diane b said...

Snow is very photogenic but also very cold.

Regina said...

Great captures!

Cheers for the New Year!

Fluitenkruid said...

Ik ben blij dat het weer weg is, ik vond het best gevaarlijk op de weg maar het leverde wel mooie plaatjes op he?

Irma said...

mooi Riet, het lijkt alweer zo lang geleden de sneeuw, lieve groet Irma

Wolynski said...

Wow, beautiful. Seems like there's too much snow everywhere this year and winter has barely begun.

merel said...

Prachtig die foto's van jou. De sneeuw is wel weg maar wie weet ... ze voorspellen misschien opnieuw wat sneeuw

Julie said...

That empty park bench swathed in light is a lovely photograph, Riet.

VioletSky said...

there is something so captivating about long shadows in the snow.

Dirkjogt said...

Hier kunnen we nog eens mooi van genieten. Bij ons is de sneeuw ook (voorlopig?) weg.

June said...

Hello Riet,
I have been missing your pictures so much and this is exactly the reason. These snowy photos are just beautiful. Love the one with your shadow!
I enjoyed all the funny faces in your last post! How fun that must have been to capture those images.

Melusine said...

Great captured of a beautiful landscape!

Josephine said...

Ze zijn geweldig Riet deze foto's. En eerlijk gezegd ben ik ook even blij dat alles nu bijna verdwenen is. Maar ohhh als je moet geloven wat ze voorspellen dan begint het weer van voor af aan. HEEL MOOI hoor, maar wel lastig en gevaarlijk allemaal.

Lieve groet Josephine