Monday, February 22, 2010

My World Tuesday

Today I chose these two pictures for My World Tuesday. Won't it be nice to see all this again?


For more pitures from all over the world go here.
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Anonymous said...

Yes, yes! It will be wonderful to see birds, water and boats. :)

Sylvia K said...

Oh, yes, yes! it will indeed, Riet! And what beautiful captures!! We are having some of that here in Seattle with beautiful blue skies and trees and bushes beginning to bloom! Hope it comes your way soon! Have a lovely week!


La Maison said...

Wat ziet het er heerlijk voorjaarsachtig uit op je blog.
En de foto's van vandaag zijn om warm van te worden.
Hier regende het de hele dag.

Anonymous said...

Oooh I love marina images. Have a great week.

greet's foto's said...

was het maar vast zover,lekker aan de waterkant,eendjes kijken,bootjes uit zien varen,wat verlang ik daar naar,jij ook niet.mooie rust gevende foto''s vooral met de vogels.

groetjes Greet.

Anonymous said...

Yes I have been watching the Dutch folks doing pretty good in the Olympics. Been some great stories and some broken hearts too. That is life for sure. Loved you last two photos and the mosaic. Blessings

Anonymous said...

Yes I have been watching the Dutch folks doing pretty good in the Olympics. Been some great stories and some broken hearts too. That is life for sure. Loved you last two photos and the mosaic. Blessings

Unknown said...

Oh won't it be nice, but we still have ice! I love your blog header piccie too. Been watching the Dutch doing really well in the Olympics :-)

Sistertex said...

Ahhh...warmth. Will be nice to be able to walk *in* the water instead of *on* the water!;)

Dirkjogt said...

Mooie beelden, laat ons verlangen naar de lente. Ondertussen geen sneeuw maar heel veel regen.

Unknown said...

Pretty pics. I love yr banner flowers too.

Fluitenkruid said...

He ja kom maar op hoor, maar vandaag is een droge dag en dat is ook wel weer fijn. Groetjes Jannet

Japa said...

Colorful boats. Also liked that shot of the birds. Very well done.

SandyCarlson said...

A warm world! How beautiful.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Lovely - but your header - WOW! I love fields of flowers!!

Madelief said...

Hoi Riet,

Lang leve de zomer! Je hebt trouwens een mooie header!

Lieve groet, Madelief

Riet said...

Ohhh wat een prachtige foto,s Riet.

Liefs Riet.

Ingrid said...

Oh yes ! and I wished I could see a landscape like your header too !

Schotzy said...

Love these.. the colors are so cheerful and I'm definitely ready for cheerful!!! stop by my blog because...
I am having a 1000th post Give Away!!!!

Kate-Marita Pettersen said...

Nice photos:) I would love to see birds and green grass again!!
Have a lovely week:)

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Beautiful photos, Riet! I especially love the boats! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

Barbara said...

I agree, it will be so nice to feel the warmth of the sun, beautiful photos.

Thanks for visiting my blog, enjoy your week.

Irene said...

Very beautiful scenery .... I love it!

Groetjes Irene