Friday, September 16, 2011

Pink Saturday.

Pink Saturday is hosted by Beverly of “How sweet the sound” 
I want to show a photo I made in the city of Valence in France last weekend. Would you believe  that there are still people living in this old house. It is in a very old neighborhood and I love what they do to make it look a bit brighter . Paint it pink and blue. Lovely.


Happy pink Saturday.


Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...


That's right! Love these pink doors!


Susie Jefferson said...

Oh wow! What a FABULOUS photograph! Love it love it love it - and I'm so glad these people are still living in that house and enjoying it. Happy Pink Saturday!

Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

As long as there are people in it the house will stay alive...beautiful photo

The French Hutch said...

hi Riet, I love your pink post. What a great photograph. I actually love the old house and I love the color they painted. Wouldn't you just love a peek inside? Great post for PS. Happy Pink.

The French Hutch

Jil~Say It With Roses said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Riet!
This is a great has lots of character and those shutters! WOW! Pink! I love that great tall door. What a shame they have boards in the long windows, of course it added the interest!

Anonymous said...

I love love love that picture! Would you mind if I pinned it on my Pinterest? HPS, and thanks for sharing! Marcia in California

Sharon said...

Love the pink windows!!! Thanks for sharing for Pink Saturday - have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Riet, Thank you for visiting my blog and being a new follower! If you go to you will ask for an invitation. They will invite you right away. From there you will do boards and pins, which I am still figuring out. There are so many people on Pinterest with gorgeous photographs, & people will LOVE yours, they are so wonderful! I'm a new follower, it's nice to meet you! Marcia in California

Chubskulit Rose said...

It's aging but still pretty in pink!

My Share of Pink, have a fabulous weekend!

My name is Riet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anita said...

Wat een práchtig oud huis Riet en zo mooi gefotografeerd !!!! Ik zou heel graag even binnen willen kijken hihi
Happy pink saterday :-)
Lieve groetjes, Anita

LindyLouMac said...

This a first for me, having never seen pink shutters before.

The Artful Diva said...

Those pink doors are wonderful. I love taking photos of old doors and windows too.

Home and Lifestyle said...

Als wij op vakantie zijn, kijk ik in een stad veelal omhoog, op zoek naar mooie luiken! Maar ook op ooghoogte worden deuren in de gaten gehouden en als het een mooi exemplaar is meteen gefotografeerd. Ben wel nieuwsgierig naar de binnenkant van deze woning...hoe zou het er daar uitzien?

Een fijn weekend Riet! Lieve groet, Ingrid

Anonymous said...

Roze of niet, ik houd wel van dat soort oude luiken en deuren.
Goed weekend verder, Riet.

Michelle said...

Lovely, the feeling of old world is enchanting. Makes you want to open the doors and see what's inside, a warm cup of tea maybe and a good book!

RNSANE said...

In San Francisco, pink on a house isn't all that uncommon! But, for me, I prefer yellow. I just love our Victorians and all their splendid colors!

My Pink Satuday is at:

klaproos said...

as pink as can be riet:-)

fijn weekend gewenst

CailinMarie said...


Happy Pink Saturday

Richard Cottrell said...

Wouldn't it be fun to get inside there. Richard from My old Historic House.

Josephine said...

Wat een mooi oud pand heb je vastgelegd lieve Riet, het gekke is dat het je nog zou kunnen verbazen als je binnen kon kijken.

Heb dat zelf een aantal keren in Frankrijk meegemaakt, uitpandig dacht je arme sloebers, maar eenmaal binnen keek ik mijn ogen uit,luxe en een goed verzorgd interieur.

Veel genietmomenten daar in Spanje...

Liefs Josephine

Anonymous said...

I love pink in architecture. Nice job capturing all this lovely oldness. Pink makes everything better.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

This little house is so charming. And what better way to celebrate pink saturday than with a pink house.


Kay Ellen said...

Ahhh very charming Riet!

Happy PS :))

Kay Ellen

Holly said...

This is just beautiful! I would love pink doors on my house!

Micupoftea said...

Charming...happy pink Saturday~

Fluitenkruid said...

Om blij van te worden zijn die zachte kleurtjes. Ik hoop dat jullie lekker genieten daar, fijne zondag nog x

Raw Thoughts And Feelings said...

Interesting find of those pink windows!

Anonymous said...

LOVE your photo of the house with the pink charming! I too have a pink front door and it gets a lot of remarks...some good and some not so good, but I like it so who cares, right??
The house itself is wonderful, and I would like to be among the rest of you who wanted a tour inside!!
Thanks for sharing! Francy

dix said...

I love old buildings and this one is very special. The pink trim is fabulous.