Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Alphabe Thursday.


Another week, another letter to study for Miss Matlock’s class. I found Many words like Mail or Message or Memory  ,all words that came in My Mind and More or less had to do with Me. What I like Most is being a Mother.

But I found More words and I Made a Mosiac out of them.

Here they are :  Mary or Maria that also is My name and

Mill and Marriage or like  Mediaevel.



For more Alphabe Thursday posts go  here

I want to thank Rocky Williams, The Rocky Mountainwoman for her wonderful gift. I won her giveaway , a great warm hoodie jacket in black. I am really happy with it as I was looking for such a jacket for quite some time . It is just the right size too. Rocky has a great blog , go look for yourself.

This must be my lucky week as I won another give-away  from Maggie, The Downton Abbey book. Maggie is the owner of the lovely blog Normandy Life. I  will tell more about it when the book arrives later in the week. I am so excited as Downton Abbey is my favorite television series.

Have a nice week, Riet


Home and Lifestyle said...

Een mooie collage Riet en ook nog eens een paar give away gewonnen...het is je van harte gegund!

Liefs, Ingrid

Tina´s PicStory said...

nice mosaic :)

Carolyn said...

Beautiful collage!

Josephine said...

Mooiiiiii je collage Riet en wat een boffen zeg een paar Give-away te winnen, genieten met een grote G. Dat doet een mens toch goed.

Liefs Josephine

biebkriebels said...

Mooi bij elkaar gezocht de collage.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Hello Riet
Good 'm' words and a terrific collage.
You are lucky to win 2 giveaways, enjoy your gifts.

June said...

I love this pretty little M collage dear Riet! Such lovely images!
I also adored the photos in your last post too of the windmills. I loved them.
sending love...

Vicki/Jake said...

Fun M post Riet er...Mary...ummm Maria:)

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Great mosaic and a lovely batch of "M's"

Anonymous said...

This is lovely! What great picture choices.

Vagabonde said...

I have only been watching a one hour news show on TV for years but I started to watch Downton Abbey this year after reading about it on blogs. I like it a lot. I looked at your photos – I love the road in the snow you showed last Sunday. Walking between these trees must be special.

The Poet said...

Nice mosaic you've put together.
Thanks for sharing & visiting.

To Vagabonde: My wife & I both watch Downton Abbey will be sorry when it ends.

Midnight Rainbow

Mirelon D said...
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Nellies said...

Gefelicteerd Riet met je gewonnen prijzen! En mooie mozaїek heb je weer gemaakt deze week. Gebruik je een progamma om zo'n collage te maken eigenlijk?

Annesphamily said...

Riet you can always make this girl smile! Your mosaics are so fun! I enjoy visiting you! Hugs Anne

Unknown said...

love the castle in your mosaic!

anitamombanita said...

I always enjoy your photo collages...this week's is great again.

Anonymous said...

Mooie collage heb je gemaakt en van harte met het winnen van de Give Aways.


klaproos said...

een schitterende collage riet,
een trouwerij met mooie jonge mensen

Maggie said...

What a gorgeous mosaic and Will & Kate are in there too.
Thanks for mentioning my blog!

Fluitenkruid said...

Hoi Riet, weer genieten met je collage, wat een mooi stel zijn William en Kate toch.
Lieve groetjes

Anita said...

Dit is weer een prachtige collage :-)
Van harte gefeliciteerd met je Give Away !!!
Groetjezz lfs mij

LadyFi said...

A wonderful collage!

greet's foto's said...

geweldig, je mosaiek goed bij elkaar gezocht en van harte hoor,je hebt de give away gewonnen,en verdiend

lieve groetjes greet

Walk in New York said...

belle serie, je trouve le moulin superbe

Publicity ;o) Every Friday (and the Weekend), The Challenge "Walk In The Street Photography"

LindyLouMac said...

Love your choices for the M theme Riet.

momto8 said...

congrats on your wins!! lovely pictures.

Donna Heber said...

Hi Riet,

Beautiful mosaic for this weeks letter. Congrats on your winnings and enjoy them.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I'm so happy that you like the hoodie!

The collage is wonderful....



Jenny said...

Congratulations on being a winner Multiple times...

Magnificent "M" words and Marvelous Mosaic to accompany them...

Thanks for linking!


Judie said...

Riet, more great photos from you! I love the windmill!

Pondside said...

Congratulations on your win!
My first name is Mary, too! I'm never called Mary, but my parents thought it sounded best at the beginning of my name, rather than as a middle name. Going through life using my middle name has had its challenges!