Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Back in town and Alphabe Thursday.



As you might maybe know we went on a cruise . And you know what, I don’t know where to start.There is so much to tell and I made so many photo’s.

So I will show photo’s , not from day one on but I think I will pick some that go with the meme of that particular day. I show the map here of the places we visited. Actually we didn’t go with all the excursions as that would have been too expensive. So we did take a hop on off bus now and then or a shuttle bus to the nearest city. In St Petersburg, Russia, we had to take an excursion bus as otherwise we were not allowed to get of the ship. I will tell more in later posts.

So today I will join Jenny Matlock on Alphabe Thursday. The letter E is on this week.  This is the link to her blog.

5-ja cruise oostzee




We did embark in Kiel, Germany.



This was our ship, about 300 meters long.



In the middle of the ship there were these see-through elevators.

The theme for this ship is Music. Everywhere in the ship you find things that have to do with that. I will show you now and then.


This was a painting that hang in one of the many many elevators.

And now I am going to see what our footballers can do in the world cup this evening.


June said...

Hello dear Riet,
Such a lovely interior in the ship you were on. I can't believe how huge it looks. It will be fun to see all the photos you took of your cruise and some of the places you visited. I am so happy to know you are home safe and that you enjoyed your vacation.
sending hugs...

Josephine said...

Ja hoor, YESSSSS ze hebben gewonnen
lieve Rietje, goed hé!!!

Heerlijk dat je weer terug bent in blogland alhoewel ik denk dat
jullie nog wel even langer onderweg
hadden willen zijn, hihi.

Ongelooflijk die schepen, het zijn
compleet dorpen lijkt het wel.
PRACHTIG die liften, en wat mooi
lijkt me dat al die schilderijen.
Het schilderij dat je laat zien
is erg mooi en zeker mijn smaak.

Het is als ik al die steden zie
die jullie hebben aangedaan nog
een heel strak en drukke periode
geweest. maar jullie zullen
ongetwijfeld HEEL VEEL hebben
gezien. En wederom een MAP vol
schitterende foto's rijker.....

Ben heel benieuwd wat je ons de
komende tijd allemaal gaat laten

Veel liefs,

biebkriebels said...

Een leuke reis zo te zien, hoop er veel foto's van te zien. Die liften lijken wel van een flatgebouw! Ik zie dat je met een Costa mee was, nog reddingsboten gecheckt, en de kapitein nog gezien? :)

Thuis bij Tjits said...

Wat fijn Riet dat je hebt genoten van deze prachtige reis, ik kan me goed voorstellen dat je lekker veel foto's gemaakt hebt:)

En onze jongens hebben de buit weer binnen gehaald vanavond, wat was het spannend hè!

Liefs, Tjits

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

How fun! I love that painting...

Cruises can be so relaxing...

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

How fun! I love that painting...

Cruises can be so relaxing...

Betty said...

That must have been quite a cruise. I bet you had a blast!

When I was growing up in the 1950's I wanted to be an elevator operator. All the other little girls would want to be teachers, mommies, or nurses, but not me. I wanted to be an elevator operator. Sadly, self service elevators came into being and my dream was shattered. :)

Pamela Gordon said...

Hi Riet. It's nice to see your post today of your wonderful trip and cruise. That seems to be a very popular place to tour and cruise these days even for North Americans. Friends did a similar cruise last fall. It would be very interesting to see those countries and their beautiful cities. Pamela

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

This is a cruise I would love to go on! It looks amazing! I can't wait to see more of your photos!

Pondside said...

I've been overland to Talin and to St Petersburg but I would love to visit on such a gorgeous ship!

SarahBeth said...

Those elevators are amazing! I see the guitars in the windows that they pass, and artwork inside the elevator would be such a nice surprise!

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful photos of your cruise especially the elevators for E ~ Happy Weekend ~ xoxo

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Gattina said...

That must have been a wonderful cruise ! We did one in 2004 also with Costa but through the Mediterranian sea. Was great !

Gattina said...

That must have been a wonderful cruise ! We did one in 2004 also with Costa but through the Mediterranian sea. Was great !

Home and Lifestyle said...

Wat is het toch een immens schip, als alle kamers bezet zijn is het een compleet dorp lijkt me. Fijn dat je zo genoten hebt, Riet!

Liefs, Ingrid

fredamans said...

Looks like a wonderful time!

Lynne said...

What a glorious vacation cruise this must have been . . .

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

My cousin is a tour manager, and often he takes tourist on these cruise.

Anonymous said...

What a fun trip! It looks like a lovely time.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely ship!It must have been a wonderful trip!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The ship looks beautiful. Excited to read more about your cruise...and ports of call.

Cristina Pop said...

The pics look so good! I bet you had a great time!

Anonymous said...

Wat een gigantisch schip, volgens mij kun je daar wel verdwalen.
De cruise maakte zo te zien een interessante route, ik ben benieuwd naar je verslag.

Birgit said...

Thanks for sharing these amazing photos -- it seems that you have a fantastic time! :)

Jenny said...

What a long and lovely cruise!

All the stops look amazing. And that painting is really excellent!

I've never been on a cruise, but if I ever go it would be amazing to travel on a ship like this!

Thanks for linking to the letter E.
