Sunday, December 13, 2015


December in this country is usually cold but this year it is entirely different. We have not had any snow or ice. During the day most of the times it is around or above 10 degrees Celsius. Very strange.

Now, next week it is our 55th wedding anniversary and I remember 5 years ago we had the most ever snow falling in one night in this country. And that was the  day we were having our anniversary party. What a day.

I was looking through my photo's and memories came back. Thought I would show you some.

I usually don't show much from my private life but for once it is alright.

View from our window.

garden of the restaurant.

The next day
dh getting the car ready to get to the shops.

Me and all my men. I believe they were telling somebody to do a better job.;)))

Thank you.

I am linking this post to:
Mosaic Monday:
Ruby Tuesday too:
and Our world Tuesday:

Thank you to the hosts.


Home and Lifestyle said...

Doordat jullie toen een bijzondere feestdag vierden, is die sneeuw wel blijven hangen...meestal is dat een heel handig ezelsbruggetje. Van harte gefeliciteerd met jullie 55e trouwdag...ook al verwachten we deze keer niet zoveel sneeuw, het is absoluut een mijlpaal. Ik hoop dat jullie nog lang in goede gezondheid van elkaar mogen blijven genieten.

Liefs, Ingrid

Yvonne said...

Alvast van harte gefeliciteerd met dit bijzondere huwelijksjubileum Riet! Als ik me niet vergis is 55 jaar ' Diamant'?
Nog vele jaren in goede gezondheid gewenst samen met je man en jullie mooie gezin!

Madelief said...

Lieve Riet, Van Harte Gefeliciteerd met jullie bijzondere jubileum. 55 getrouwd is niet niks. Je ziet er prachtig uit op de foto! Het jasje en de rok staan je heel mooi.

Op de volgende 5 jaar...en de burgemeester :-)

Fijne week!

Liefs, Madelief x

Lynne said...

Nice to see your family . . .
I hope your 55th anniversary presents less snow than the 50th . . .
Weather here has been like springtime . . . Today it was 63 F . . .
Some of my outdoor plantings are beginning to pop up like it is spring . . .
Very strange . . .

SmilingSally said...
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Peter Veen said...

Goh lieve Riet, daar werd ik nou gewoon een beetje stil van. Wat bijzonder en wat een rijkdom al je mannen! Volgende week 55 jaar en zeg nou zelf, dat hoor je toch niet veel meer. Geluk zit vaak in kleine dingen maar geluk is ook een fijn gezin. Mooi.

Voor volgende week wens ik jullie ook een fijne dag en weet je, de weerman van een regionale omroep voorspelde dat het heel goed mogelijk is dat het sneeuwt met Kerst : )))))

Hoe dan, ik ben blij voor jullie en leuk Riet dat je dit wilde delen!

Lieve groet en ja, een knuffel van Pink.

biebkriebels said...

Leuke herinneringen, nee sneeuw zal er wel niet zijn volgende week met deze temperaturen. Een heel fijne huwelijksdag volgende week gewenst 55 is uniek, wij lopen nog 10 jaar achter.

eileeninmd said...

Happy Anniversary Riet! Wonderful photo of you and the men in life. Great family shot.

Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

Thuis bij Tjits said...

55 jaar getrouwd.. wat bijzonder Riet.. van harte gefeliciteerd!!

Fijne week,
liefs Tjits

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Happy Anniversary! And I enjoyed seeing your photos. What a handsome bunch of men you have close by! I have four grown sons, too. Hard to believe they are all so grown up. Hugs, Diane

podso said...

Happy 55th! That's quite a milestone. You must have had a Christmas wedding. It's nice to see some snow scenes, we don't seem to be having winter in our half of the US so far.

SmilingSally said...

Hello Riet,

Please forgive me for calling you the wrong name; of course I know you're Riet!

I am impressed with how pretty you are with your guys. And I'm pleased that you're enjoying a mild winter.

I like your blues; thanks for sharing.

Happy Blue Monday.

SmilingSally said...

And . . . a very happy anniversary!

Ann said...

You have created a wonderful legacy of 55 years, my you look so beautiful. We are having a mild winter also.

Sylvia K said...

Wonderful pics for the day, Riet, as always!! And wishing you a very Happy Anniversary!! I hope you have a beautiful week and a lovely holiday season!! Thanks for sharing!! Enjoy!!!

Josephine said...

Ohhhhh lieve Rietje wat een PRACHTIGE witte wereld
was het op die speciale dag 5 jaar geleden.
Dat uitzicht vanuit jullie raam, zo MOOI.

Wat bijzonder leuk om jou met al je mannen te kunnen bekijken
op die super mooie foto. Wens jullie volgende week
een onvergetelijke dag toe, en als de temperaturen zo
omhoog blijven gaan wordt het dit jaar misschien wel
in badkleding, hihi.

Een DIKKE 55 jarige mijlpaal kus van mij voor jullie saampjes.

Veel liefs,

LV said...

Pretty lady surrounded by handsome fellows. Does not get better than that. Best wishes on many more happy years.

Hootin Anni said...

LOVE the family portrait at the end!!!

carol l mckenna said...

Happy Anniversary ~ 55 years ~ You are blessed and lovely family portrait ~ So is pretty in your photos ~

Wishing you the magic and love of the season,
artmusedog and carol

Pamela Gordon said...

Happy 55th Wedding Anniversary to you and your husband! That is wonderful and a great milestone. The photo of you and all your men is great. I hope you don't have a big storm like on your 50th but I also hope you might have a white Christmas. Enjoy and have a blessed Christmas season. Pam

Louisette said...

Lovely portrait familie, happy xmas moments,greeting from Belgium Mons my city

Donna said...

What a wonderful day....I am so glad you shared it...that is a lot of snow although here it would be one little winter storm. We do not have snow either and that is so strange. Wishing you a Happy 55th Anniversary!

Gardens Eye View
Living From Happiness

Shantana said...

That's such a lovely post! Wishing you a wonderful anniversary in advance! Stay Blessed! Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

How beautiful with all the snow. The autumn and winter so far has been abnormally warm everywhere in Europe, I think.
Happy anniversary!

doodles n daydreams said...

The snow looks lovely, we don't get it like that here. I'll bet it was a nightmare getting to your venue for your celebrations. Congratulations on 55 years marriage.


June said...

I love seeing your most handsome family dear Riet! What good looking men they all are...and such a beautiful mother and wife. They must feel very lucky to have you! Congratulations on 55 yrs of marriage! A life well lived too!
What a gorgeous view you are able to enjoy every day! I am so thankful to know this. You have always been so kind and dear to me and reading your blog and seeing this post has given me more of an understanding of who you are.
Thank you so much for being such a lovely friend to a lady who lives in rural Idaho, USA!
Have a wonderful Christmas!
sending hugs to you...

genie said...

What a good looking family you have, but then look at the mom and wife. Love the post. Happy Anniversary. Know you had a wonderful time.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Happy (now belated) Anniversary! You have such a good looking family (including the short one there in front ;>)!